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Thursday, 5 January 2012

Trying to get into college.

So I made an appointment to meet the tutor of the photography course that I want to attend. This course is a Level 2 GCSE, I have never done the level one, but I thought I would see where my skills lie.

So... I sent her ( the tutor) my web site address, so she could see what kind of stuff I may or may not know.
On the interview, I was told that my work was good and I was too advanced for the level 2 course (yeah!! I mean NO!!) and most of the work would be like revision to me.
Unlike a Level 3 course which would be more suited to my level and needs. Although it may be better if I  find a fashion photography course... WHERE do they do that??? Not in Waltham Forest!.!.!.

My Problem is I have the end product, but all I need to know is how I got there!!!? and Some fine tuning.

So the route I may need to travel is PT (Personal Tuition), at £XX per hour.

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