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Thursday, 12 January 2012

You never know what is around the corner

After a 3 month wait Mandy X finally got back to me... OMG!! It was so worth the wait... After speaking to Mandy X about my photography and her makeup skills, late last night, LOL.... She said she would pass my details on to a friend of hers. ("Would she really, Who Now?")... This friend (wow) she made me feel so positive. She has so many connections; graduates, fashion student, stylist... and the list goes on...

Now nothing has happened on the work front as yet. "Come on Its only been a day".... But the mere fact that people would put them selves out to help others is a beautiful thing.

I can't wait to have a meeting with Ruth to show her my ideas and see how I can push this forward...
I, put all this down to the power of "The Secret", self belief and NOT, arrogance and big headedness.

So watch this space in regards to my photography... Yah! yah!

So remember "A silent person is never heard. A loud person is sometimes ignored". Its all about finding the middle ground, so the people who you want and need to hear you, can.



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